Help make a difference in the lives of parents and students in your community!
In all of our programs, our dedicated staff and volunteers emphasize the importance of being or finding a “trusted adult.” But what exactly is a trusted adult?
A trusted adult can be identified by the following characteristics:
Are over the age of 21
Actively make healthy choices
Someone that you spend time with on a regular basis
Has your best interests in mind
Are thoughtful and actively listen
Establishes themselves as trustworthy and dependable
Someone whose words and actions make you feel safe
Do you have a trusted adult in your life?
Are you a trusted adult in someone else’s life?
Do you have a desire to help parents take the steps to become a safe, healthy
presence in the lives of their own children?
Would you like to mentor students and become their trusted adult?
We are always looking for compassionate, present, and mindful volunteers to help
facilitate these connections with our clients. For more information about how you
can join the mission, please reach out to whichever program needs you feel best suit
your talents.
Parenting Network/Volunteer Parent Educator: Parenting@FYIohio.org
New Roots Mentor/Volunteer Student Mentor: Mentoring@FYIohio.org