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FYI Welcomes Newest Board Member


Becoming the newest member of FYI’s board of directors was not a decision David Johnston made lightly or hastily. It took him several months to research and explore the organization before he was comfortable accepting the offer to join the board, which he did at June’s board meeting.

“I came in and got a close look,” Johnston said. “It seemed like everyone was focused on helping the community, and I was looking to become more involved. My big question was: ‘If I am one of the board members, how does it work when I go to help on projects?””

FYI was more than willing to bring him aboard, feeling blessed that Johnston was willing to volunteer and serve.

“We’re very lucky to have him; I wish we had a couple more like him,” said Herman Karhoff, president of FYI’s board. “He’s come to us through interaction with different people who are on the board. He lost his wife a few years ago, and she was an avid supporter of FYI.

“We asked him to a couple of meetings, and we nurtured him through asking him to do several volunteer initiatives,” he continued. “He asks the kinds of questions normal people don’t think about. He had some interesting insights the rest of us on the board never gave any thought to. He is a strategic thinker.”

Johnston’s main goals are simple.

“I want to help with the community reach of the organization and maybe help us get even more involved with our local churches,” he said. “We are going to need more help to do outreach and things like that.”

Dave’s B.A. in History serves a foundation for nearly three decades in the Air Force Reserve serving tours from Korea to Germany, as well as his work in restaurants, data analysis, and administrative support.  However, service to individuals and the community is the driving principle which brought him to FYI.  He is also a part-time religious education teacher and runs a small business.

“I envision that some of those skills could help FYI,” he said.

Johnston has already been helping craft FYI’s new Communications Plan. He’s also suggested the possibility of a future online video creation contest. He is certainly excited about the opportunity to help empower families and provide hope to those struggling in our community.

“There has to be a certain balance,” he said. “The organization has been around for a long time, and the organization will outlive all of us. There’s definitely a lot of need, it’s just how to get aligned to fill it.”

FYI is thankful God has brought him to us. One of the reasons is Johnston knows there is a lot more work to do, and is willing to do it.

“If knowing everything about FYI could be measured in a cup, it would be half full for him, and he is very excited and supportive of the work FYI does,” Karhoff said. “It’s through relationships that we grow. His ideas take advantage of that.”



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