Even though 2020 has possibly been the most challenging of years for most of us, we all still have so many things to be thankful for. If you have a roof over your head, running water, food in a refrigerator, people who you love and/or love you, among many other blessings we tend to take for granted, then you are among the most blessed people on this earth.
The staff and board at FYI are talented, dedicated, giving and loving. However, surely among our most evident shared identifying characteristics is thankfulness. We realize we are blessed to be able to work with each other towards the common goal of rescuing children while providing hope and empowering their families. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, we asked our staff to share what they are thankful for. Below are their responses:
Julie Driskill, Mentoring Program Co-Director: “I am thankful for second chances, grace, and a new day; that God watches over His children and leads with a light, steady hand if we oblige. I’m thankful that I don't have to know the future, but I can trust the hand of the One who guides me and all who call upon His name. “
Rebecca Swearingen, Real Life Teen Choices Director: “I am thankful for your grace! I am thankful that I have a profession that I am passionate about. I am thankful that I work with fantastic people who are also passionate about what we do. I am thankful that I am a flexible person and don't get bent out of shape when things change! I am thankful for my health! I am thankful to be alive and breathing! I am thankful for my family and friends! I am thankful for the quiet moments! I am thankful to have a director that cares about me and our ministry!”
Amy Brown, Parenting Network Director: “I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of an organization that is working to empower families and transform lives.”
Jennifer Kennedy, Real Life Teen Choices Educator: “I am thankful for my kids. They make me happy. They help me to know that life is worth living; to keep growing and challenging myself. I am thankful for my job, and for the challenges that it also presents to me. This is an opportunity to grow and change and learn to lean on God to be able to help kids in our community. I am thankful for friendship. I am thankful to have people in my life that love me through the good, the bad and the ugly!”
David Johnston, board member: “I am thankful for: People with a quick smile and a slow scowl; people who take their mission seriously, but not themselves; people who have seen it all and can still be surprised.”
Tiffany Olwin, Parenting Network Assistant: “I am MOST thankful for: My three kids, my husband, my family (including my fur babies), and all of the friends God has brought into my life! I am so blessed to be given this wonderful life!”
Max Roadruck, board secretary: “I am always grateful for my miracle wife (2007);” Barb Roadruck, board member: “I am grateful for my recovery every day;” Max & Barb: “We are both really grateful for our 6+ granddaughter!”
Julie Daniel, New Carlisle Parenting Network Coordinator: “I am so thankful we have a loving, forgiving and gracious God.”
Carole Cowles, New Carlisle Parenting Network Assistant: “I'm thankful for the very air I breathe.”
Kermit Rowe, Communications Specialist: “I am thankful for the refreshed and divinely charged atmosphere surrounding FYI recently, which has permeated all of the ministry that we have joined together to do, and therefore those we are still able to serve. The ‘Family’ in Family & Youth Initiatives is growing stronger and stronger as we embrace more and more the presence and inclusion of our God, infusing the full potential of His power into all that we do for Him, His kingdom and the people He loves completely and perfectly through us.”
Anna Kennedy, Fairborn Parenting Network Director: “I am thankful for a love that never fails from our Heavenly Father. We all go through rough times. Some seasons are harder than others. God never leaves our side and is our refuge and strength. I am also thankful for worship music that encourages me and reminds me God is bigger than anything we face. He loves without conditions and is always there to comfort us. God is good ... all the time.”
Staci Sowders, Greenon Mentoring Program Coordinator: “Today I am thankful for my friends and family. I am thankful to have a God that loves and accepts me. I am thankful to have a job that allows me to help others. I am thankful to have a world with dogs!”